
Kina the TV series and it's portrayal of atheism

   It is heartbreaking that most religious people have the idea that atheism is the symbolism of evil. Most have the tendency to think that atheist minds are under the influence of the lord of the underworld, namely , 'Satan'. It is expected that a non believer of religion  has no conscience to steer him or her away from evil, and that the ability to do good comes from a god. This is quite wrong since we all know that animals such as dogs and elephants have demonstrated acts of kindness despite them not being followers of any religion. That aside, I got a few chances to watch Kina the Kenyan TV series and wasn't much shocked to find out that Nana, the villain in the story is an atheist. In one of the episodes, she opens up about not believing in God. This is quite good evidence that atheism is equated to evil here in Kenya. Believers are likely to label you as a Satan adherent if they find out you are an atheist, despite atheists not believing in the biblical...

My Road To Feminism

  Back where I grew up, women were strong females, digging under the hot sun, milking the cows, carrying heavy loads to and from the market, fending for their kids and many other activities that were considered to be the womanā€™s duties. The men worked on the farms as well, and many of them had employments. One thing that the males could never do was wash their garments or cook.It would be unheard of to learn that Baba Tom was found in the kitchen stirring something in the sufuria. It would be a disgrace to manhood, an emasculation of the highest degree. So men tried to maintain their statures in all ways possible. Some could not hold their babies just to maintain their images of manhood. I noticed the how women were so all rounded how they could take up any challenges and duties without considering their genders. A woman could provide as well as cook and tend for the family. Women could fix fences, carry heavy loads, duties that were associated with the males and receive no con...

Why are Atheists Always So Angry?

   Atheists have been long been misunderstood as bitter people. People who went through bitter experiences and are now channeling their anger to "God". We have been told about our mental health being in a poor state. We have been called lost and misguided. These words are by no means polite, they are pretty much accusatory, of ignorance and weakness on our part. Strangely enough, believers don't understand why such comments would put us off. In fact, believers expect atheists to respect every bible verse that springs out of their mouth, they expect atheists to cow when they threaten them with doom, curses and hellfire, to take their words so seriously. I consider this a very poor attitude towards civility. I as an atheist, am angry, at the continuous religious indoctrination of every generation that comes forth. I am angry that I cannot openly proclaim my atheism lest people get a bad image of me, may see me as a byword, may even start alienating me. I am  angry that athe...

How I Became an Atheist

  When I became an atheist, it came as a surprise, even to me. I always strived to be holy,maybe like Mary. I have to say, the standards of purity the bible sets are unachievable, I mean, even your thoughts should not cross certain boundaries, and we all know that our minds can take us to he moon and back. It was one lovely afternoon, and I was reading stuff on the internet about God, click after click led me to a YouTube channel about people who died after mocking God, this include the guys who built the titanic. My brainwashed mind marveled at the power of the biblical god, how he strategically marked for death those who didn't respect his mighty name, the deity clearly wanted a lot of respect coming his way. I also watched the sightings of angels in the skies, they were clouds, moulding slowly into humanly shapes, but to me, they were not sufficiently convincing. I've seen clouds looking like ducks and some looking like people's faces, I mean clouds can contort into anyt...

Why it is Wrong to Claim that Religious Belief Leads to Moral behaviour

  In my daily life, I have witnessed many different accounts of religious beliefs leading to harmful actions. Believers like to insist that without religion, one cannot be able to differentiate right and wrong. This is quite wrong since we have seen animals perform acts of kindness yet they do not know anything about religion. It is therefore a fact that if  anything, its religions that have led to the harm of many human beings, and animals as well. Below are some incidents of harmful actions as a result of deep seated religious beliefs. Source: The Underlings YouTube Channel (v.2), 1960s Father Lawrence Murphy molested 200 deaf boys, often claiming God had him do so as a form of confession.  1981 and onward, Army of God, Christian Identity, Lambs of Christ and other Christian Patriot movements committed a number of terrorist attacks, including attacking abortion clinics and doctors across the United States. 1985 Debra Lynn Gindorf kille...

God Belief in Kenya

 Kenya is a very religious state, with Christianity as the most dominant religion and Islam coming second. The number of atheists has been also growing going by the latest census which shows that there are more than 750,000 atheists in  Kenya. Christianity is cherished by many in Kenya, be it the rich or the poor. The ubiquity of religion cannot go unnoticed as business establishments such as salons, hotels and boutiques bear the names of biblical characters and verses too. The matatu transport industry has not been spared either, matatus display colorful images of Mary, Jesus or even god, and wonderful calligraphic writings about prayer, hope and such like religious invocations. Others love religion so much that they name their kids Faith, Hope, Praise, Blessed, Worship and so on. There are 4000 churches in Kenya with 7000 awaiting registration. The number of churches overtakes the number of hospital we have yet the hospitals are fully relied upon to provide treatment for dis...

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Against Blackism

  Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is one of the most prominent miracle preachers in Nigeria, it goes without saying that a big number of Nigerians believe that he possesses divine abilities going by the numbers that throng his churches. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome claims that the "Black Lives Matter" slogan is not something to be proud of particularly for black people. The main issue of concern here being the color black. He claims that black people should reject being described as black. During one of his services, he said "Maybe I should tell you something those of you that say that black lives matter, I feel sorry for you, Do you really believe that you have a black life? Do you want me to tell you the meaning of black? Who called you black? Shouldn't you have rejected that from the beginning? A contradiction, a bundle of contradiction, You refused negro and nigger but that's what black is So you took the English version negro means black, Do you know what black is?Tell m...