Why Are Atheists Always So Angry?


Atheists have been long been misunderstood as bitter people. People who went through bitter experiences and are now channeling their anger to "God". We have been told about our mental health being in a poor state. We have been called lost and misguided. These words are by no means polite, they are pretty much accusatory, of ignorance and weakness on our part. Strangely enough, believers don't understand why such comments would put us off. In fact, believers expect atheists to respect every bible verse that springs out of their mouth, they expect atheists to cow when they threaten them with doom, curses and hellfire, to take their words so seriously. I consider this a very poor attitude towards civility.

I as an atheist, am angry, at the continuous religious indoctrination of every generation that comes forth. I am angry that I cannot openly proclaim my atheism lest people get a bad image of me, may see me as a byword, may even start alienating me. I am  angry that atheist students cant have their bursary loans processed, because pastors and deacons have to sign on the papers, I am angry that when I say I don't believe in god, people call me an agent of Satan, I am angry at all the killings of atheists done in history simply because they did not believe that God exists. I am angry that I risk loosing the closeness of loved ones because I do not believe in God. I am angry because pastors can outrightly declare that atheists should not be tolerated in the glare of cameras, I am saddened by how religious folks gladly give money to pamper their papas and mamas but hardly give money to destitute people lying on the streets.

I am angry that religion has deluded and brainwashed people into spirit talking zombies, that some have become psychiatric cases. I am angry that religion encourages discrimination which in turn leads to wars. That friendships and love cannot bloom simply because of religious inclinations. It is saddening that some religious women cannot plan for the number of babies they want to go get because religion says no, it is saddening too that women cannot access safe abortions because of religious reasons. I am angry at the objectification of women because of religion.

It makes me angry that religious people killed Agora, a bright woman, for not sharing the beliefs of others, for thinking differently. There were other scientists killed after her. I could go on and on but I think this conversation would be too drawn out. Atheists are not followers of Satan, nor are they immoral, they are not also lost and misguided. They are simply humans who don't follow religion, for the simple reason that evidence is not sufficient. We hope a time will come, when being an atheist will not be such as a stigma



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