God Belief in Kenya

 Kenya is a very religious state, with Christianity as the most dominant religion and Islam coming second. The number of atheists has been also growing going by the latest census which shows that there are more than 750,000 atheists in  Kenya. Christianity is cherished by many in Kenya, be it the rich or the poor. The ubiquity of religion cannot go unnoticed as business establishments such as salons, hotels and boutiques bear the names of biblical characters and verses too. The matatu transport industry has not been spared either, matatus display colorful images of Mary, Jesus or even god, and wonderful calligraphic writings about prayer, hope and such like religious invocations. Others love religion so much that they name their kids Faith, Hope, Praise, Blessed, Worship and so on.

There are 4000 churches in Kenya with 7000 awaiting registration. The number of churches overtakes the number of hospital we have yet the hospitals are fully relied upon to provide treatment for diseases. I think its unfortunate that churches get the credit for the work done by doctors. The prominent pastors in Kenya swim in money and can afford the best luxuries the world can offer while some of the followers can hardly get nutritious meals. Religion in Kenya is so big that many people are blind to such realities.

It is unfortunate that Christianity has to be taught in school such that kids metamorphose into brainwashed adults who cant think properly for themselves when it comes to "the big man in the sky". The teachers themselves, products of thorough conversion become very efficient to brainwash the kids into religious zombies. This is what has led to Christianity permeating into every culture in Kenya, and in turn led to unbelievers being seen as lost and outcasts. This should not be the case, religion and lack of religion should be equally tolerated.


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