Why it is Wrong to Claim that Religious Belief Leads to Moral behaviour


In my daily life, I have witnessed many different accounts of religious beliefs leading to harmful actions. Believers like to insist that without religion, one cannot be able to differentiate right and wrong. This is quite wrong since we have seen animals perform acts of kindness yet they do not know anything about religion. It is therefore a fact that if  anything, its religions that have led to the harm of many human beings, and animals as well.

Below are some incidents of harmful actions as a result of deep seated religious beliefs. Source: The Underlings YouTube Channel (v.2), https://youtu.be/k1xVDmNhzD0

1960s Father Lawrence Murphy molested 200 deaf boys, often claiming God had him do so as a form of confession. 
1981 and onward, Army of God, Christian Identity, Lambs of Christ and other Christian Patriot movements committed a number of terrorist attacks, including attacking abortion clinics and doctors across the United States.
1985 Debra Lynn Gindorf killed her two-year-old daughter and three-month-old son, believing she and her babies would be reunited in heaven, where they would be safe and happy together for eternity.
1993 Michael F. Griffin shot and killed abortion provider Dr. David Gunn based on his Christian views.
1994 Reverend Paul Hill murdered an abortion doctor and expected to be rewarded for it in heaven.
1996 Eric Robert Rudolph carried out the Centennial Olympic Park bombing as well as attacks on an abortion clinic and a lesbian nightclub.
1998 Khoua Her strangled her six children, believing she would be reunited with them in the afterlife.
1998 Christopher Turgeon murdered a man, as ordered by God.
1999 Marilyn Lemak murdered her three children, perceiving herself as a loving mother tenderly taking her children to a happier existence.
2001 Andrea Yates believed her children to have "unrighteous standing before God," and she killed them so they would not grow up and become sinners. 
2002 Sherry Marie Delker murdered her daughter by running her down with her car outside a church. Her intent was to send her daughter to a "better place."
2002 Brian Mitchell, who believed he was God’s servant, abducted 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart and used his religious belief to justify showing her pornography and giving her drugs and alcohol.
2004 Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old baby by slicing off her arms as an offering to God. 
2005 Magdalena Lopez beat her two sons to death because she thought they’d be better off in heaven.
2009 Scott Roeder shot Dr. George Tiller in the head as he was in church.
2010 Ugandan Rev. Martin Ssempa, supported by American evangelical Christians, supported a bill to have homosexuals hanged. 
2010 Nine "Hutaree" (Christian warriors) militia members were arrested for plotting to kill various police officers, whom they believe will support the Antichrist. 
2015, Robert Doggart planned to attack a Muslim enclave with guns, Molotov cocktails and a machete. 
2015 Evangelist Robert Lewis Dear shot 12 people, killing three of them, in front of an abortion


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