What Happens When We Die?


Life is a gift by nature, we did not plan life for ourselves. We simply found ourselves here, as a result of a successful conception, the joining of the male and the female chromosome. Me and you are no different from the single celled amoeba, or the dodgy mouse, or the gigantic elephant. We are all made of cells.we are all children of this universe. The coming to being of life is shrouded in mystery. Cultures came up with religion (the belief in superhuman beings who created the universe) which have been propagated over time and held so dearly by a preponderance of the wold's population. Religions are based on belief and thus are not factual.

What happens after we die? According to Christianity, people who did not please the biblical God will face his wrath. They will be thrown in hell fire to endure the pain of fiery flames for eternity. Those who pleased him by "accepting Jesus in their hearts will have a good time in heaven worshiping God and living in golden mansions. Buddhism says that death is not a permanent state, that re-incarnation will take over when a person dies. These claims are also based on beliefs and do not really hold water.

Such beliefs give a lot of hope especially because death is never welcome because it symbolizes the destruction of so many things. But we have to think, where were we before we were born? Do we have recollections of that place? Do we have any bad memories or good memories of that place? As an atheist, I have come to determine that when we die, everything will stop. We will go back to how it was before we were born. Death is basically a state of nothingness. As much as it brings a lot of anxiety I am happy to have this one life to live, and I am not hoping for another.

Here is what happens when we die. The heart stops beating, respiration stops, muscles in the body relax, jaws open, eyelids lose their tension and relax, This is called Primary Flaccidity. the body loses heat and the temperature goes down to match with the surrounding, this is called the Death Chill.Because the heart stops pumping blood, the blood movers to the lower parts of the body on which the body is lying, and the skin on those parts turn purple (Livor Mortis). Within 3 to 6 hours, the muscles begin to contract (Rigor Mortis), this can last from 24 hrs to 84 hours, the body will afterwards relax (Secondary Flaccidity) If the body is burned, it is converted to ashes. If not, the body will start to decompose. Because the body no longer receives oxygen nor remove toxic products like carbon dioxide,this toxic byproducts produce an acidic environment in the cells causing the cells to eat their enzymes from inside out. We normally have microorganisms in our guts and on our skins, they start breaking down the organs and tissues because our immune system will no longer be in action. This will lead to the production of toxic gases which will attract insects like flies and maggots which will also breakdown the tissues and organs. Eventually, all will be left of the body will be a skeleton, over time the skeleton will also decompose. 


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