Kina the TV series and it's portrayal of atheism


 It is heartbreaking that most religious people have the idea that atheism is the symbolism of evil. Most have the tendency to think that atheist minds are under the influence of the lord of the underworld, namely , 'Satan'. It is expected that a non believer of religion  has no conscience to steer him or her away from evil, and that the ability to do good comes from a god. This is quite wrong since we all know that animals such as dogs and elephants have demonstrated acts of kindness despite them not being followers of any religion.

That aside, I got a few chances to watch Kina the Kenyan TV series and wasn't much shocked to find out that Nana, the villain in the story is an atheist. In one of the episodes, she opens up about not believing in God. This is quite good evidence that atheism is equated to evil here in Kenya. Believers are likely to label you as a Satan adherent if they find out you are an atheist, despite atheists not believing in the biblical villain.

I have not gotten the chance to follow the series till it's ending but I bet if Nana turns a new leaf and stops her heartless acts, she would be a 'saved' christian such that her goodness matches with religion. It is quite unfortunate that a big chunk of the society is like this at present but it is our greatest hopes as atheists that people will stop labeling us negatively.

We are simply human beings, with hearts that pump blood. We are in touch with compassion and kindness and would stand up for good and against injustice. We know that evil behavior has nothing to do with religion, and good behavior has nothing to do with religion. Besides does everybody just believe in something simply because the majority believe it? No, we believe because of evidence, we accept concepts or ideas because evidence is sufficient to, or at least close to sufficient.


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