Christianity is Not What Gives us Morality

Christianity is not what gives us morality instead it has propagated lack of morality. Many evils have happened in the church such as pastors demanding too much from the congregants, shameless adultery, fake exorcism of demons, fake healing and even self worship by the pastors themselves. Many Christians have gone ahead to claim that atheist lack morals in that they don't  have guidelines to lead them. This is a big lie since sympathy and willingness to do good is something intrinsic. Consideration for others comes as a result of sympathy-not wishing pain on others since we know how pain feels. I myself have seen animals perform acts of kindness, and yet they know nothing about Christianity.

Christianity sometimes strikes a big blow on morality when preachers lack sympathy and empathy by asking for money from the poor, promising them heavenly blessings in return. Others have prayed to sick people and told them to throw away their medication in the name of faith, only for the hapless believers to die, then words like "lack of faith" and "God's plans" would be thrown around.
My heart skips a bit when I read the stories of children being raped and molested by priests, then the devil will be blamed for such atrocities.

Have you gone to YouTube lately and seen our "Chosen" African brothers preach, have you heard them chest thumping, talking about how they speak to God one on one, how they can unleash blessings from God into your life? This is what we call pride and self obsession.. They even compete among themselves for attention.


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